Venting and Rambling.....

Friday, July 10, 2009

Home... Past and Present

I've been inspired... I doubt anyone even reads this anymore but...

I sit outside my new place and watch the deer munching on the grass. I think to myself,"how is she so peaceful?" there are so many questions brought on from this nature surrounded house. Is it really home? How do I make it home? wait... Home is where the heart is... Mine is upstairs playing guitar... playing my soundtrack. I think I've got it... I've found serenity.

The deer looks at me. What is she thinking? Is she questioning me? She takes a few steps closer and nervously continues eating. She has no clue what my intentions are but is willing to take the risk but why? Is the grass better closer to me or does she just like the thrill of danger? The thrill of the unknown...

I start examining my life as it is now... in Westchester. I live with my heart next to me. My heart as my partner but not mine for I gave what was left away. I spend hours outside the house sitting as still as possible watching the animals scramble around me. I'm free. I live my life for my head and my heart. I've made my new home here.

The deer looks at me again as to bid me farewell and casually walks off into the trees. A squirrel jumps from branch to branch... but the rabbits haven't found me here yet. They used to greet me every night in my old home. They would play with each other and wait for me to emerge from my shelter to show them that I care enough to pay them a visit. They used to bring me peace but I guess it was just too far to travel for them... Their relatives might find me someday but until then I will sit and wait. This is my new home though and though I don't do well with change, this change is a good one.

I leave in my old house memories that are bitter sweet. Memories of lost relatives, failed relationships, lost friends, bad habits, and unfairness. But there are also memories of a loving family, wonderful parties, and those relatives and friends that I enjoyed spending time with. Is it time to move on and leave those memories behind? Is it time to start living in the present and future and leave the past behind? Maybe so... but those memories will flow back to me as soon as I return for a visit... Hopefully the rabits will wait for me.