Venting and Rambling.....

Friday, August 18, 2006

Third Wheel

In an office of three, you would think that everyone would have a tight relationship seeing as there is really noone else to communicate with but i find myself an outcast. Today is my last day and i will have one week of summer before school... but i find my spirit dry and wanting. Wanting someone to have lunce with... someone to fill a little bit of the day with conversation...BUT NO!!! I find myself an outcast once again in the course of my life... What else is new... From Kindergarden all the way up through highschool I've been an outcast... why should now be any different. The only conversations that arise are whether I filed a paper I shouldn't have or whether i didn't file a paper i should have... HOW INTERESTING.. well since today is my last day and all... this past week has been abnormally quiet... noone was asking me to do anything because its my last week... and it cant go any slower... on the upside Ive been able to catch up on my reading of Waiter rant i guess thats a good thing..well I'll talk to you all later... LOOK OUT SUMMER HERE I COME!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Summertime and the livin ain't easy....

AHHHHHHH summer... Hot days...warm sun...and.... sitting in an office at a desk staring at a computer all day...
What ever happened to the way summers used to be? Our childhood summers when it was a VACATION... not just another time to work full time at your part time job? I sit at my desk and look at my computer screen and I think to myself..."is this the closest I'm going to get to a wave for the rest of the summer?? It's practically over and I've been to the beach once and its passing me by. Summer used to consist of playing all day in the sun...going down to the Jersey shore...having no cares at all in the world and the most important thing on your mind was what you were going to wear the first day of school in a new grade... now it consists of working your ass off so that you can pay for school... books... and transportation to this school... What has this world come to? We used to work so we can live but now we live so we can work... well these were the thoughts running through my head as I passed all of the beach goers on my way to work this morning... Do those kids realize that all of the fun will be over soon? I sure didn't...